Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 5] (Set up personal information, skills, and objective)

portfolio making
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Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 5] (Set up personal information, skills, and objective)
Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 6] (Readness test, Id verification)
Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 7] (make profile 100% complete)
Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 8] (Motivational tune, really important for get job)
Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 9]  (Detail about menu bar, jobs, application, test)
Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 10] (Detail about menu bar, my jobs, massage)
Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 11]  (How to Bid for a Job)
Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 12] (Detail about Withdraw money from odesk 1)

Odesk career detail (A-Z) [guideline :: 13]  (Detail about Withdraw money from odesk 2)

Hello every one? Hope all are good. How passing the day? Really good. We are all here for become a successful freelancer. so we have to go step by step. Previous day we completed “my public profile”
I suggest you that, do not copy past any information to fill up your “my public profile”

Now start our today’s lesson. Bellow “my public profile” you will see “category” click add or edit.
You will see two options one is main category 2nd is sub category. You must give correct information. Let me explain under “main category” “administrative support”  this category has some sub categories, like, “data entry”,” web search”,” bpo”,” typing”. Here each main category has sub categories. So please fill up it care fully.  

Here you have to describe about your skills that mean what kind work you can do completely. 

Employment history:
If you have any experience before then give it here. You give your employment history about relevant category of you.

We all are understood what this is. Please give your educational statement in this field. 

Port folio projects:
Most important part it is. Maximum client see it before giving job. If you are a graphic designer, give here some of your works design sample. It is very essential for getting job.
See the image below. How to edit /add a portfolio.

1.     write here project title, I mean name
2.     Project Image
3.     Project doc. Like Excel sheet that you have done before
4.     When you have done the work
5.     job category
6.     You have subcategory, then type here.
7.     Total description about the portfolio project.
8.     If you have a portfolio site, then write here

Other certification:
Give here about odesk readness test detail. 

Other experience:
You should fill this area. Every people have some experience. So write here about your experience.
I told it before. I am telling now. If you have faced any problem, let me know I shall try to solve your problem.

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